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The Triple Mitt Flip

I’m not even sure that I need to comment on this, other than to say that this all happened in a 24 hour period of time. Here are the events in chronological order;


Here’s what Mitt said about the Palestinian culture, while in Israel on Monday.


And here he is on Tuesday morning, denying what he said on Monday night;


But wait, he’s not done! Here’s what Mitt wrote a few hours after he denied saying what he said on Monday.


Here’s a great analysis from The Young Turks, on why Mitt is so willing to look like a complete jackass;

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It appears as if Rafalca is not the only pet in the Romney clan, whose only purpose is to dance for an appreciative audience.


Does anyone honestly feel that this man would lead The United States into an era of peace and prosperity? Does anyone honestly have a fucking clue about what a Mitt Romney presidency would actually look like?


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