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Indicting Trump

I know that democrats have been chomping at the bit to see Trump indicted. I also know that most of you are watching each new development in the multiple investigations into Trump’s crimes and telling yourselves, “this is it!” I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don’t believe that Trump is ever going to be indicted for a damned thing by the federal government (more on that later).

I understand how good it feels to believe that he’s going to end up in prison. Believe me, I understand but I believe it’s a fantasy. A lovely fantasy, but a fantasy nonetheless. Many a meme perpetuating this fantasy can be found on my Facebook page. I’ve started to realize that not making it clear that these posts are happy place fantasies is antithetical to what I’m trying to do here. When I started this brand, my goal was (and is) to get people to think about politics in a completely different way than the way they’ve been thinking about it for the past 40 years. Politics is not sports. You don’t pick a team and stick with that team through thick and thin. What we’ve gotten with that approach is that corporate bank accounts have gotten thick, while yours has gotten thin.

This happened because virtually no politician is fighting for you, and it’s time that we all realized that so that we can make more meaningful choices in order to undo everything that has been done really, since Reagan.

Perpetuating this fantasy about Trump being locked up suggests that democrats are going to do something about it, which simply isn’t believable if you divorce yourself from that team mentality and apply a basic tenet of life that everyone on the planet knows to be true: follow the money.

This shouldn’t be difficult to work through since the Roe decision just happened. Democrats never bothered to codify Roe into law for one primary reason: it’s an issue that they fundraise on heavily. You can tell yourself all the sweet little lies you want to make democrats the “good guys” on this, but they’re not true. Democrats had two chances to make it happen. That’s a fact. But they wanted to keep fundraising on Roe and to get elected on the basis of being champions of women’s reproductive rights. Don’t believe me. Believe your own lying eyes:

I know that fantasies are more fun and probably better for your short term mental health, but it’s time to stop the fantasizing because those fantasies have become toxic to your own self interests.

Nancy Pelosi made it clear where democrats stand on prosecuting people in power when she didn’t want to “look back” at W’s crimes. That’s where they stand ideologically.

In terms of where their motivations lie, it’s clear in the tens of thousands of fundraising emails that we’ve all gotten on the basis of “getting Trump”. Do you honestly believe that democrats are going to take that gravy train off the tracks? Really?

If democrats were serious about indicting Trump, they would have put handcuffs on more than just one person who ignored their copious subpoenas. They would have made an effort to motivate Trump’s allies to show up by making it clear that there’s a jail cell waiting for anyone who doesn’t show up, and that they can plan to occupy that cell until they’re ready to appear before their committees. Putting one person in handcuffs for ignoring a subpoena after several people had already done it is purely performative, and you know it.

If you divorce yourself from your team mentality, you know that what I’m saying is true because you’ve witnessed it with your own eyes. It’s time to stop with the fantasies and start making electoral decisions by following the money like your life and livelihood depend on it because they do.

The only caveat to this might be Georgia. It’s possible they might go rogue and hand down an indictment, but I really don’t see this happening on a federal level. If it happens, I’d be elated to eat crow and profess how very wrong I was.

I’m not saying that you won’t see fantastical and fun memes about Trump being locked up on my Facebook page. They’re fun. But I do pledge to make it clear that these are fantasies of a perfect world, just like Law and Order is a fantasy of a functional justice system and West Wing is a fantasy about how government should work. I watch both, but only because I like to fantasize in order to ease the angst of reality.


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