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Mass Murder In Charleston

…patch). But again, this is apparently not a thing in his community so he felt really comfortable letting his racist freak flag fly. As well he should, since the confederate…


John Mackey is Delusional

…have legislation that is most favorable to them, exactly the way credit card companies did. All of your credit card companies are headquartered in New Jersey and Delaware because those…


Cult Of Personality

…most expensive in the world, after the US) health care system except where the Swiss cap “administrative” costs for insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and medical device companies at 5%, we…


Pravda Is Dangerous

…to push an agenda. For example, Fox “News” is republican Pravda. Breitbart is far right wing whackadoodle Pravda. If you’re reading this, you know who all the right wing propagandists…
