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Tit For Tat

We all know that if Biden wins the primary, we’re going to be treated to months of Hunter talk and investigations. I’m hearing a lot of people advocating for congress to start investigations into Ivanka, Jared, and Fredo Jr.

I just want to express my opinion on this. I think this would be a bad idea. To low information voters (which is the vast majority of the electorate), this is just going to put the Hunter situation on par with the Trump crime family and elevate the shadiness of the whole thing. It’s just going to end up being a tit for tat.

I don’t think this is a winning strategy, and it’s going to validate the “both sides” narrative. Yes, both sides are shady but both sides aren’t the same. Investing the Trump family is going to make it seem as if they are.

There isn’t a great strategy to combat the Hunter shadiness, but a tit for tat is a very bad one. So is denying the shadiness of the Hunter situation. I wouldn’t do that if you’re trying to convince people to come out and vote in November. It makes you sound like you have no credibility. No, you have to admit that it’s shady and keep asking, “Yeah, but what did Burisma actually get from Joe in exchange for hiring Hunter?” To the extent that there’s a winning argument, you have to admit that it’s shady and get the person you’re speaking with to agree that the kind of institutionalized shadiness that we’ve come to accept must stop, and that defending exponentially more of that kind of behavior isn’t how we get there.

Trying to make the distinction between “illegal” and shady is likewise, in my opinion not a winning strategy. We saw how that worked with Hillary’s emails last time.

No, we have to acknowledge that something stinks here and try and unite against corruption.

That’s just my take and unlike most of my posts, I don’t have data to show you. This one is purely an opinion piece.


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