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When it comes to politics, most people don’t have any. I’m not just talking about republicans. This is one of those rare occasions when “both sides” actually applies.

For the past week, I’ve seen outraged democrats online tweeting and posting about Trump’s $1.5 trillion corporate COVID bailout. They’e furious. Furious, I tell you. Interesting thing though, in September of 2008, when Pelosi and senate democrats bailed out AIG with $85 billion dollars, democrats weren’t so outraged. A month later, when democrats gave the banks $700 billion, there was still no outrage from democrats. That was after a year of bailing out the banks to the tune of about half a trillion dollars. Democratic legislators did all of this, and democratic voters weren’t outraged that the money wasn’t instead going to the homeowners who could then give it to the banks after negotiating a write down, thereby sharing the loss with the banks who created this mess, instead of letting the banks just take their homes. And then after about another $2 trillion dollars in loans to banks, the feds lowered the interest to nothing. They let banks borrow money with no or virtually no interest rate, but didn’t bother to cap the rates that those banks could charge you. So it fell on you to create liquidity for those banks by keeping up your 24% interest credit card payments, car payments, and every other payment that you have at all of the interest rates you borrowed for, none of which were zero.

And then finally, finally in February 2009 Obama passed a $787 billion (not trillion) stimulus plan. Only $224 billion of that went to extending unemployment benefits. $275 billion went into federal contracts, grants, and loans. The rest was tax cuts.

So after, I lost count of how many of trillions of dollars in various forms of bailouts (backdoor and in clear view) to banks, workers got $224 billion in direct help. No outrage from democrats. It was no accident that 95% of the gains from the recovery went to the top 1%. That was by design.

Wanna know what else democrats are outraged about these days? Trump’s suggestion that he’s considering a payroll tax holiday. Payroll tax holidays are very bad because they cut the amount of money being put into the Social Security trust fund. They’re a horribly inefficient way to stimulate the economy, and they hurt working people in the long run.

Wanna know when democratic voters weren’t outraged over a payroll tax holiday? You guessed in, when Obama did it.

We are stuck in an endless loop where a different (depending on which party the president who does it is a member of) half of the country is outraged over the same crap policies that fuck the working class.

We are falling victim to our own lack of principles, and I literally have no idea what the unprincipled think they’re getting for their blind partisan loyalty. I really need someone to explain this to me.

We are about to do down the grandaddy of unprincipled fuckery and gaslighting.

The denial about Joe Biden’s mental faculties is the one I really can’t take. We’ve all watched him in the debates. We all know what our lying eyes are telling us. The man is not well. Still in denial? Watch this debate against Paul Ryan in 2012:

This is not the same person we’re seeing today, and I find the assertion that it is insulting to my intelligence.

Remember when democrats used to slam republicans for covering up Reagan’s alzheimer’s, which his son said he saw the signs of 3 years into Reagan’s first term? Does anyone remember this?

If you believe him, he was the template for powerful establishment figures controlling a hapless rube in the White House and delighting over this new found power.

And now, devoid of those principles, democrats are getting behind their own cognitively impaired candidate. How is that better than Trump supporters who insist he’s mentally fit?

Ah, I remember a time when lucid was something we looked for in a presidential candidate. After that shit show of a Coronavirus press conference, my insistence on a lucid president only gets more adamant.

We’re going to lose a plethora of principles with this one. Some people know about his brutal 1994 crime bill, some don’t. Almost no one knows that his brutality in regard to drug users started twelve years before that. And then of course, there’s Anita Hill. I could not find one single thing that Joe Biden has ever done in his whole career as a legislator to help African Americans. Nothing. He almost literally won a coin toss that made him Obama’s vice president. Sucks for Evan Bayh because maybe he could have won the South Carolina primary if the coin landed on the other side.

And then there’s the bankruptcy bill, which hurt working class Americans more than any other single bill in the past 20 years. Be honest, can you tell he’s not a republican in this exchange regarding that bill:

What the fuck do we need democrats like this for? And why aren’t you a republican if you’re okay with this?

And then there’s Biden’s forty year long history of trying to cut Social Security. If you think that was in the past, think again.

Is it somehow going to feel better if a democrat cuts your social security than if a republican does it? What the fuck do we need democrats like this for? And why aren’t you a republican if you’re okay with this?

Oh, and then there’s Hunter. We already know that it’s going to be all Hunter all the time, and that democrats are going to have to start insisting that there’s nothing untoward about family members of US politicians sitting on foreign boards. Why would you be willing to do that? Of course there’s something very wrong with that, and abandoning those principles will end the same way as abandoning all the others has. By the way, Burisma isn’t Hunter’s only employment problem you’re going to have to defend. Trump is going to be able to factually build a fact pattern regarding Joe and Hunter so buckle up because you’re going to have to sound like you’re completely lacking scruples to defend this shit.

We need to get some principles again because what we’re doing now is a downward spiral. You can’t continue to feel good about getting screwed by politicians as long as they’re a member of your party. And you sure as shit can’t keep gaslighting for your team and expect to be taken seriously.

I’ve already expressed my terror over what all of this information when unleashed by Trump will do to voter turnout in November. The name of the game here is to demotivate people from showing up to vote, and Joe Biden is a rich environment for that sort of material.

If democratic voters are so unprincipled as to make him our nominee, I have nothing to work with in terms of helping to motivate voters. All I can contribute are articles about how awful Trump is. I will not become part of the problem by gaslighting my ass off to convince people that Biden is mentally sound, good for people of color, good for the working class, or good for the environment. If he becomes president, I might not even have Social Security to look forward to, but I will have my principles.


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