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The Inevitability Of Hillary

…Reality About Hillary Clinton That Many Liberals Need To Face Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/reality-hillary-clinton-liberals-need-face/ There’s A Reality About Hillary Clinton That Many Liberals Need To Face Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/reality-hillary-clinton-liberals-need-face/…


The Full Romney

…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InVvVzprIxQ&t=615s Oh, and here’s Orrin Hatch thanking Biden profusely for all of his hard work on that bill. Notice Mitch McConnell’s delight? This is pretty representative of all of Biden’s…



When it comes to politics, most people don’t have any. I’m not just talking about republicans. This is one of those rare occasions when “both sides” actually applies. For the…



…to say regarding the election. For now, please go to: http://www.wolf-pac.com and our revolution.com These will both give you clues on what I plan to advise in terms of a…


Indicting Trump

…was (and is) to get people to think about politics in a completely different way than the way they’ve been thinking about it for the past 40 years. Politics is…


Getting Rid Of Putin

…I think that his narcissism combined with his intolerance of hearing any advice that may stand in the way of making his legacy fantasies come true have made him crazy….


Great Night For Progressives

…a progressive democrat. On the other hand, we have this fucking douchebag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyPUjXm4iBo He’s a wholly owned subsidiary of the fracking industry, and he’s got the full support of the…
