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…have the votes to pass a bill with the public option in it. I say SHOW ME. Cenk Uygur recently blogged about this here: http://www.smirkingchimp.com/thread/27044 I agree with him. Take…


RNC Coverage August 28, 2012

…implying that he cares about the working man? 20.57 Here’s Bob McDonnell giving Obama some credit for Virginia’s economy; http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/03/bob-mcdonnell-obama-virginia-economy_n_1566093.html 20.55 Brace yourselves, Scott Walker is next. Wow, I can…


Background Check Loophole In SC

…the law says that “we haven’t completed the background check” means “go ahead and release the gun”, that’s not a bug. That’s a feature. A clean record comes back quickly….


Privilege, Part II

comfortable not having an opinion about things. I don’t feel compelled to chime in on every topic, just because. And when I choose to have no opinion, that’s not an…


Vetting Kamala Harris

As you know, I’m committed to vetting each and every candidate who announces they’re running in the democratic presidential primary. I plan on vetting every single one with an open…
