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What Is A Political Attack?

…as an “attack”, you may want to ask yourself why you’re so defensive. Now for a couple of examples of attacks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ_z9Tpdl9A Now this is an attack. It’s a baseless…


Jon Stewart: Bad Jew?

…that Israel is doing wrong, it has the voracity that comes with being intimately aware of the history. Jon Stewart is very open about his Jewiness, which is why the…


Pull Up Your Pants

…(I’m not making this up) his pants were too saggy, and therefore didn’t comply with bright red Louisiana’s small government pant regulations. I’m going to sidetrack for a moment to…



…have the votes to pass a bill with the public option in it. I say SHOW ME. Cenk Uygur recently blogged about this here: http://www.smirkingchimp.com/thread/27044 I agree with him. Take…


Okay Boomer

…State Of The Union address that made my skin crawl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv7MZr-JkEM And with that, neoliberalism became embedded in the American culture and telling the difference between a republican and a…
