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Great Night For Progressives

…my serious political analysis. Suck it, Nancy! Suck it congressional black caucus, you miserable, sell-out fools. You endorsed a terrible candidate who showed (at best) complete apathy for the outrage…


Indicting Trump

…was (and is) to get people to think about politics in a completely different way than the way they’ve been thinking about it for the past 40 years. Politics is…


RNC Coverage August 28, 2012

…implying that he cares about the working man? 20.57 Here’s Bob McDonnell giving Obama some credit for Virginia’s economy; http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/03/bob-mcdonnell-obama-virginia-economy_n_1566093.html 20.55 Brace yourselves, Scott Walker is next. Wow, I can…
